I am the Forgery of Myself
Is it happening to everyone? Or is it just me, want to disappear sometimes, not suicide, just become transparent, melt into the air around me, like how rain joins the ocean, snowdrops into the earth. So I will not be seen, so I will be safe.
I started to see things in my head this summer, I saw there is a hole on her chest, a crying eye, the tear was drowning her, she did not ask for help, she disappeared into the water.
There was a homeless man living under the bridge next to my apartment. I went out this morning and found he was gone, leaving pieces of his home on the autumn ground. He slept on foam, owns four blue glasses of different shades.
All that happens in our lives also happens within us, and all that fades in our lives also fades within. If we paid a little attention, we will notice that these losses have ripped some hints from our hearts. I never know his name, but he is gone today.
I am terrified of festivals, Halloween, Christmas, New Year…… You are meant to celebrate these days, be happy, laughing with your loved ones. It’s scary, when the days come, it’s like the midnight bell for Cinderella, I become back to that single match lying inside a matchbox, quietly, waiting inside the darkness.
Every time I see the moon, I think of the people echoing the same moment under it. The people who I laughed and cried for, who I did a little dance under the street lamp for. Yet, after all, the glances I once saw eternity within, broke into pieces in front of me, again.
During meditation, I saw a piece of land floating in the middle of darkness, I sat, inside a circle of flame, eyes closed, a snake wraps himself up from my feet, rests his head on my shoulder. He didn’t bite me, nor for protecting me. Not all beings chase, hunt, deceive, suspect, and feedback to each other. We breathe in, and out together, we co-exist.
From a very young age, I found everything is too late, I assume there is a life of mine that has never been twisted, distorted, slanted. Things I take for granted in that life, never last long in mine. I am the forgery of myself.
So what is real? I was killed a hundred times in my dreams and killed others too. Every morning, I stand on my dried bones to welcome the sunlight. Wishing you good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.